

 It was puckered up around the eye on the right side; as if she were trying to wink。 That same side of her mouth turned down; one old yellow eyetooth hung out over her liverish lower lip。 Her hair was a wild thin fog around her skull。 The room stank of the stuff our bodies dispose of with such decorum when things are running right。 The chamberpot by her bed was half full of some vile yellowish goo。 We had e too late anyway; I thought; horrified。 It had only been a matter of days since she had been recognizable … sick but still herself Since then; the thing in her head must have moved with horrifying speed to consolidate its position。 I didn't think even John Coffey could help her now。

Her expression when Coffey entered was one of fear and horror … as if something inside her had recognized a doctor that might be able to get at it and pry it loose; after all 。。。 to sprinkle salt on it the way you do on a leech to make it let go its grip。 Hear me carefully: I'm not saying that Melly Moores was possessed; and I'm aware that; wrought up as I was; all my perceptions of that night must be suspect。 But I have never pletely discounted the possibility of demonic possession; either。 There was something in her eyes; I tell you; something that looked like fear。 On that I think you can trust me; it's an emotion I've seen too much of to mistake。

Whatever it was; it was gone in a hurry; replaced by a look of lively; irrational interest。 That unspeakable mouth trembled in what might have been a smile。

〃Oh; so big!〃 she cried。 She sounded like a little girl just ing down with a bad throat infection。 She took her hands …as spongy…white as her face … out from under the counterpane and patted them together。 〃Pull down your pants! I've heard about nigger…cocks my whole l











