

 When we reached the duty desk; Brutal put the straitjacket behind his back; which was broad enough to conceal it easily。

〃Luck;〃 Dean said。 He was as pale as Harry; and looked just as determined。

Percy was behind my desk; all right; sitting in my chair and frowning over the book he'd been toting around with him the last few nights … not Argosy or Stag but Caring for the Mental Patient in Institutions。 You would have thought; from the guilty; worried glance he threw our way when we walked in; that it had been The Last Days of Sodom and Gomorrah。

〃What?〃 he asked; closing the book in a hurry。 〃What do you want?〃

〃To talk to you; Percy;〃 I said; 〃that's all。〃

But he read a hell of a lot more than a desire to talk on our faces; and was up like a shot; hurrying … not quite running; but almost … toward the open door to the storeroom。 He thought we had e to give him a ragging at the very least; and more likely a good roughing up。

Harry cut around behind him and blocked the doorway; arms folded on his chest。

〃Saaay!〃 Percy turned to me; alarmed but trying not to show it。 〃What is this?〃

〃Don't ask; Percy;〃 I said。 I had thought I'd be okay … back to normal; anyway…once we actually got rolling on this crazy business; but it wasn't working out that way。 I couldn't believe what I was doing。 It was like a bad dream。 I kept expecting my wife to shake me awake and tell me I'd been moaning in my sleep。 〃It'll be easier if you just go along with it。

〃What's Howell got behind his back?〃 Percy asked in a ragged voice。 turning to get a better look at Brutal。

〃Nothing;〃 Brutal said。 〃Well 。。。 this; I suppose…!〃

He whipped the straitjacket out and shook it beside one hip; like a matador shaking his cape to make th





