

y the dimmest awareness that God and all His heavenly host were watching us in our Bakelite houses through our ivy…glass windows。

I slept a little as the day began to lighten … two hours; I guess; maybe three; and I slept the way I always sleep these days here in Georgia Pines and hardly ever did then; in thin little licks。 What I went to sleep thinking about was the churches youth。 The names changed; depending on the whims of my mother and her sisters; but they were all really the same; all The First Backwoods Church of Praise Jesus; The Lord Is Mighty。 In the shadow of those blunt; square steeples; the concept of atonement came up as regularly as the toll of the bell which called the faithful to worship。 Only God could forgive sins; could and did; washing them away in the agonal blood of His crucified Son; but that did not change the responsibility of His children to atone for those sins (and even their simple errors of judgement) whenever possible。 Atonement was powerful; it was the lock on the door you closed against the past。

I fell asleep thinking of piney…woods atonement; and Eduard Delacroix on fire as he rode the lightning; and Melinda Moores; and my big boy with the endlessly weeping eyes。 These thoughts twisted their way into a dream。 In it; John Coffey was sitting on a riverbank and bawling his inarticulate mooncalf's grief up at the early…summer sky while on the other bank a freight…train stormed endlessly toward a rusty trestle spanning the Trapingus。 In the crook of each arm the black man held the body of a naked; blonde…haired girlchild。 His fists; huge brown rocks at the ends of those arms' were closed。 All around him crickets chirred and noseeums flocked; the day hummed with heat。 In my dream I went to him; knelt before him; and took his 





