

etmore wants to go to Briar Ridge as soon as possible。 Must have filled out the application even before last night's shift was over; wouldn't you think?〃

〃It sounds that way;〃 I agreed。

〃Ordinarily I'd let Curtis handle it; but considering the 。。。 atmosphere on E Block just lately; I asked Hannah to run it over to me personally on her lunch hour。 She has graciously agreed to do so。 I'll approve it and see it's forwarded on to the state capital this afternoon。 I expect you'll get a look at Percy's backside going out the door in no more than a month。 Maybe less。〃

He expected me to be pleased with this news; and had a right to expect it。 He had taken time out from tending his wife to expedite a matter that might otherwise have taken upwards of half a year; even with Percy's vaunted connections。 Nevertheless; my heart sank。 A month! But maybe it didn't matter much; one way or the other。 It removed a perfectly natural desire to wait and put off a risky endeavor; and what I was now thinking about would be very risky indeed。 Sometimes; when that's the case; it's better to jump before you can lose your nerve。 If we were going to have to deal with Percy in any case (always assuming I could get the others to go along with my insanity … always assuming there was a we; in other words); it might as well be tonight。

〃Paul? Are you there?〃 His voice lowered a little; as if he thought he was now talking to himself。 〃Damn; I think I lost the connection。〃

〃No; I'm here; Hal。 That's great news。〃

〃Yes;〃 he agreed; and I was again struck by how old he sounded。 How papery; somehow。 〃Oh; I know what you're thinking。〃

No; you don't; Warden; I thought。 Never in a million years could you know what I'm thinking。

〃You're thinking that our you











