

 burning epistle meant less to her than it did to me。

It was four pages long; I thought I would never write anything longer in my life; and now look at this。 All this; and the end still not in sight。 If I'd known the story was going to go on this long; I might never have started。 What I didn't realize was how many doors the act of writing unlocks; as if my Dad's old fountain pen wasn't really a pen at all; but some strange variety of skeleton key。 The mouse is probably the best example of what I'm talking about … Steamboat Willy; Mr。 Jingles; the mouse on the Mile。 Until I started to write; I never realized how important he (yes; he) was。 The way he seemed to be looking for Delacroix before Delacroix arrived; for instance … I don't think that ever occurred to me; not to my conscious mind; anyway; until I began to write and remember。

I guess what I'm saying is that I didn't realize how far back I'd have to go in order to tell you about John Coffey; or how long I'd have to leave him there in his cell; a man so huge his feet didn't just stick off the end of his bunk but hung down all the way to the floor。 I don't want you to forget him; all right? I want you to see him there; looking up at the ceiling of his cell; weeping his silent tears; or putting his arms over his face。 I want you to hear him; his sighs that trembled like sobs; his occasional watery groan。 These weren't the sounds of agony and regret we sometimes heard on E Block; sharp cries with splinters of remorse in them; like his wet eyes; they were somehow removed from the pain we were used to dealing with。 In a way … I know how crazy this will sound; of course I do; but there is no sense in writing something as long as this if you can't say what feels true to your heart … in a way it was as if it 





