

ace…first into a vat of dry…cleaning fluid and held him there。 When the guards pulled him out again; his face was almost entirely gone。 They had to ID him by his fingerprints。 On the whole; he might have been better off with Old Sparky 。。。 but then he never would have had those extra twelve years; would he? I doubt he thought much about them; though; in the last minute or so of his life; when his lungs were trying to learn how to breathe Hexlite and lye cleanser。

They never caught whoever did for him。 By then I was out of the corrections line of work; but Harry Terwilliger wrote and told me。 〃He got muted mostly because he was white;〃 Harry wrote; 〃but he got it in the end; just the same。 I just think of it as a long stay of execution that finally ran out。〃

There e for us in E Block; once The Pres was gone。 Harry and Dean were temporarily reassigned; and it was just me; Brutal; and Percy on the Green Mile for a little bit。 Which actually meant just me and Brutal; because Percy kept pretty much to himself。 I tell you; that young man was a genius at finding things not to do。 And every so often (but only when Percy wasn't around); the other guys would show up to have what Harry liked to call 〃a good gab。〃 On many of these occasions the mouse would also show up。 We'd feed him and he'd sit there eating; just as solemn as Solomon; watching us with his bright little oilspot eyes。

That was a good few weeks; calm and easy even with Percy's more than occasional carping。 But all good things e to an end; and on a rainy Monday in late July … have I told you how rainy and dank that summer was? … I found myself sitting on the bunk of an open cell and waiting for Eduard Delacroix。

He came with an unexpected bang。 The door leading into the exercise yard slamm











