

; creating little strained smiles of flesh between them。

And there was a smell。 Not bad in itself; but unpleasant in its associations。 I've never been able to go down in the cellar at my granddaughter's house when they bring me there; although that's where their little boy has his Lionel set…up; which he would dearly love to share with his great…grampa。 I don't mind the trains; as I'm sure you can guess … it's the transformer I can't abide。 The way it hums。 And the way; when it gets hot; it smells。 Even after all these years; that smell reminds me of Cold Mountain。

Van Hay gave him thirty seconds; then turned the juice off。 The doctor stepped forward from his place and listened with his stethoscope。 There was no talk from the witnesses now。 The doctor straightened up and looked through the mesh。 〃Disorganized;〃 he said; and made a twirling; cranking gesture with one finger。 He had heard a few random heartbeats from Bitterbuck's chest; probably as meaningless as the final jitters of a decapitated chicken; but it was better not to take chances。 You didn't want him suddenly sitting up on the gurney when you had him halfway through the tunnel; bawling that he felt like he was on fire。

Van Hay rolled on three and The Chief surged forward again; twisting a little from side to side in the grip of the current。 When doc listened this time; he nodded。 It was over。 We had once again succeeded in destroying what we could not create。 Some of the folks in the audience had begun talking in those low voices again; most sat with their heads down; looking at the floor; as if stunned。 Or ashamed。

Harry and Dean came up with the stretcher。 It was actually Percy's job to take one end; but he didn't know and no one had bothered to tell him。 The Chief; still wearin











