

le was firehouse red。 We got used to hearing Delacroix trumpet; 〃Maintenant; m'sieurs et mesdames! Le cirque presentement le mous' amusant et amazeant!〃 That wasn't exactly it; but it gives you an idea of that stewpot French of his。 Then he'd make this sound way down in his throat … I think it was supposed to represent a drumroll … and fling the spool。 Mr。 Jingles would be after it in a flash; either nosing it back or rolling it with his paws。 That second way really was something you would have paid to see in a circus; I think。 Delacroix and his mouse and his mouse's brightly colored spool were our chief amusements at the time that John Coffey came into our care and custody; and that was the way things remained for awhile。 Then my urinary infection; which had lain still for awhile; came back; and William Wharton arrived; and all hell broke loose。


The dates have mostly slipped out of my head。 I suppose I could have my granddaughter; Danielle; look some of them out of the old newspaper files; but what would be the point? The most important of them; like the day we came down to Delacroix's cell and found the mouse sitting on his shoulder; or the day William Wharton came on the block and almost killed Dean Stanton; would not be in the papers; anyway。 Maybe it's better to go on just as I have been; in the end; I guess the dates don't matter much; if you can remember the things you saw and keep them in the right order。

I know that things got squeezed together a little。 When Delacroix's DOE papers finally came to me from Curtis Anderson's office; I was amazed to see that our Cajun pal's date with Old Sparky had been advanced from when we had expected; a thing that was almost unheard of; even in those days when you didn't have to move half of heaven and











