

adder; the one that was usually kept in the storage room; which also happened to serve as the final stop for the state's condemned。 There was a shelf jutting out from the back of the ladder near the top; the sort of thing a workman would use to hold his toolkit or a painter the bucket he was working out of。 There was a flashlight on it。 Brutal handed it to me。

〃Get on up there。 You're shorter than me; so you'll have to go pretty near all the way; but I'll hold your legs!〃

〃I'm ticklish down there;〃 I said; starting up。 〃Especially my knees!'

〃I'll mind that!〃

〃Good;〃 I said; 〃because a broken hip's too high a price to pay in order to discover the origins of a single mouse。〃


〃Never mind。〃 My head was up by the caged light in the center of the ceiling by then; and I could feel the ladder wiggling a little under my weight。 Outside; I could hear the winter wind moaning。 〃Just hold onto me。〃

〃I got you; don't worry。〃 He gripped my calves firmly; and I went up one more step。 Now the top of my head was less than a foot from the ceiling; and I could see the cobwebs a few enterprising spiders had spun in the crotches where the roof beams came together。 I shone the light around but didn't see anything worth the risk of being up here。

'No;〃 Brutal said。 〃You're looking too far away; Paul。 Look to your left; where those two beams e together。 You see them? One's a little discolored!'

〃I see。〃

〃Shine the light on the join!〃

I did; and saw what he wanted me to see almost right away。 The beams had been pegged together with dowels; half a dozen of them; and one was gone; leaving a black; circular hole the size of a quarter。 I looked at it; then looked doubtfully back over my shoulder at Brutal。 〃It w





