


A smell of peppermint。

And something else。 Something back inside that hole。

I took a pen out of my breast pocket with my right hand; still holding onto the beam with my left; not worried anymore about Brutal inadvertently tickling my sensitive knees。 I unscrewed the pen's cap onehanded; then poked the nib in and teased something out。 It was a tiny splinter of wood which had been tinted a bright yellow; and I heard Delacroix's voice again; so clearly this time that his ghost might have been lurking in that room with us … the one where William Wharton spent so much of his time。

Hey; you guys! the voice said this time…the laughing; amazed voice of a man who has forgotten; at least for a little while; where he is and what awaits him。 e and see what Mr。 Jingles can do!

〃Christ;〃 I whispered。 I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me。

〃You found another one; didn't you?〃 Brutal asked。 〃I found three or four。〃

I came down and shone the light on his big; outstretched palm。 Several splinters of wood were scattered there; like jackstraws for elves。 Two were yellow; like the one I had found。 One was green and one was red。 They hadn't been painted but colored; with wax Crayola crayons。

〃Oh; boy;〃 I said in a low; shaky voice。 〃Oh; hey。 It's pieces of that spool; isn't it? But why? Why up there?〃

〃When I was a kid I wasn't big like I am now;〃 Brutal said。 〃I got most of my growth between fifteen and seventeen。 Until then I was a shrimp。 And when I went off to school the first time; I felt as small as 。。。 why; as small as a mouse; I guess you'd say。 I was scared to death。 So you know what I did?〃

I shook my head。 Outside; the wind gusted again。 In the angles formed by the beams; cobwebs shook in fe





