

ad is a dimwit who thinks nothing is funny unless it's mean。

Something Brad said the other day struck me as actually smart; but I don't give him a lot of credit for it; even a stopped clock is right twice a day; the proverb has it。 〃You're just lucky you don't have that Alzheimer's disease; Paulie;〃 was what he said。 I hate him calling me that; Paulie; but he goes on doing it; anyway; I've given up asking him to quit。 There are other sayings … not quite proverbs … that apply to Brad Dolan: 〃You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink〃 is one; 〃You can dress him up but you can't take him out〃 is another。 In his thickheadedness he is also like Percy。

When he made his ment about Alzheimer's; he was mopping the floor of the solarium; where I had been going over the pages I have already written。 There's a great lot of them; and I think there's apt to be a great lot more before I am through。 〃That Alzheimer's; do you know what it really is?〃

〃No;〃 I said; … but I'm sure you'll tell me; Brad。〃

〃It's AIDS for old people;〃 he said; and then burst out laughing; hucka…hucka…hucka…huck!; just like he does over those idiotic jokes of his。

I didn't laugh; though; because what he said struck a nerve somewhere。 Not that I have Alzheimer's; although there's plenty of it on view here at beautiful Georgia Pines; I myself just suffer the standard oldguy memory problems。 Those problems seem to have more to do with when than what。 Looking over what I have written so far; it occurs to me that I remember everything that happened back in '32; it's the order of events that sometimes gets confused in my head。 Yet; if I'm careful; I think I can keep even that sorted out。 More or less。

John Coffey came to E Block and the Green Mile in October











