

〃Simmer down; old…timer; simmer down;〃 Dean said; grinning。 〃But watch and see if I'm not right。〃 He bombed another piece of cracker over the side。 Sure enough; the mouse picked that one up and began to eat again; still ignoring Bill Dodge's contribution pletely。 But before it had done more than take a preliminary nibble or two; Percy threw his baton at it; launching it like a spear。

The mouse was a small target; and give the devil his due…it was a wickedly good shot; and might have taken 〃Willy's〃 head clean off; if its reflexes hadn't been as sharp as shards of broken glass。 It ducked … yes; just as a human being would have … and dropped the chunk of cracker。 The heavy hickory baton passed over its head and spine close enough so its fur ruffled (that's what Dean said; anyway; and so I pass it on; although I'm not sure I really believe it); then hit the green linoleum and bounced against the bars of an empty cell。 The mouse didn't wait to see if it was a mistake; apparently remembering a pressing engagement elsewhere; it turned and was off down the corridor toward the restraint room in a flash。

Percy roared with frustration … he knew how close he had e … and chased after it again。 Bill Dodge grabbed at his arm; probably out of simple instinct; but Percy pulled away from him。 Still; Dean said; it was probably that grab which saved Steamboat Willy's life; and it was still a near thing。 Percy wanted not just to kill the mouse but to squash it; so he ran in big; ical leaps; like a deer; stamping down with his heavy black workshoes。 The mouse barely avoided Percy's last two jumps; first zigging and then zagging。 It went under the door with a final flick of its long pink tail; and so long; stranger … it was gone。

〃Fuck!〃 Percy said; and slammed the fla





