

our mouth; Four…Eyes。 I'm riled。 Don't make it worse!〃

〃So it's moving day again; is it?〃 Dean said; not quite laughing 。。。 but laughing with his eyes。 〃Well; when you get everything out this time; would you mind mopping the floor?〃

Percy looked at the door。 Looked at his keys。 Thought about another long; hot; fruitless rummage in the room with the soft walls while they all stood around and watched him 。。。 The Chief and The Pres; too。

〃I'll be damned if I understand what's so funny;〃 he said。 〃We don't need mice in the cellblock … we got enough vermin in here already; without adding mice。〃

〃Whatever you say; Percy;〃 Dean said; holding up his hands。 He had a moment right there; he told me the next night; when he believed Percy might just take after him。

Bill Dodge strolled up then and smoothed it over。 〃Think you dropped this;〃 he said; and handed Percy his baton。 〃An inch lower; you woulda broken the little barstid's back。〃

Percy's chest expanded at that。 〃Yeah; it wasn't a bad shot ; 〃 he said; carefully re…seating his headknocker in its foolish holster。 〃I used to be a pitcher in high school。 Threw two no…hitters。〃

〃Is that right; now?〃 Bill said; and the respectful tone of voice (although he winked at Dean when Percy turned away) was enough to finish defusing the situation。

〃Yep;〃 Percy said。 〃Threw one down in Knoxville。 Those city boys didn't know what hit em。 Walked two。 Could have had a perfect game if the ump hadn't been such a lugoon。〃

Dean could have left it at that; but he had seniority on Percy and part of a senior's job is to instruct; and at that time … before Coffey; before Delacroix … he still thought Percy might be teachable。 So he reached out and grasped the younger man's wrist。 〃You want t











