

d him; were amused by his funny accent … also French; but Canadian rather than Cajun; and softened into its own thing by his years of incarceration in the South。 Even Brutal got a kick out of Old Toot。 Not me; though。 I thought he was; in his way; an older and dimmer version of Percy ish to kill and cook his own meat but who did; all the same; just love the smell of a barbecue。

We were all there for the rehearsal; just as we would all be there for the main event。 Brutus Howell had been 〃put out;〃 as we said; which meant that he would place the cap; monitor the governor's phoneline; summon the doctor from his place by the wall if he was needed; and give the actual order to roll on two when the time came。 If it went well; there would be no credit for anyone。 If it didn't go well; Brutal would be blamed by the witnesses and I would be blamed by the warden。 Neither of us plained about this; it wouldn't have done any good。 The world turns; that's all。 You can hold on and turn with it; or stand up to protest and be spun right off。

Dean; Harry Terwilliger; and I walked down to The Chief's cell for the first rehearsal not three minutes after Bill and his troops had escorted Bitterbuck off the block and over to the Arcade。 The cell door was open; and Old Toot…Toot sat on The Chief's bunk; his wispy white hair flying。

〃There e…stains all over dis sheet;〃 Toot…Toot remarked。 〃He mus' be tryin to get rid of it before you fellas boil it off!〃 And he cackled。

〃Shut up; Toot;〃 Dean said。 〃Let's play this serious。〃

〃Okay;〃 Toot…Toot said; immediately posing his face into an expression of thunderous gravity。 But his eyes twinkled。 Old Toot never looked so alive as when he was playing dead。

I stepped forward。 〃Arlen Bitterbuck; as an officer of t





