

at he cared about … you've guessed already; I'm sure … was what was going to happen to Mr。 Jingles after he; Delacroix; passed on。 I was used to spending long hours with the condemned on the night before their last march; but this was the first time I'd spent those long hours pondering the fate of a mouse。

Del considered scenario after scenario; patiently working the possibilities through his dim mind。 And while he thought aloud; wanting to provide for his pet mouse's future as if it were a child that had to be put through college; he threw that colored spool against the wall。 Each time he did it; Mr。 Jingles would spring after it; track it down; and then roll it back to Del's foot。 It started to get on my nerves after awhile …first the clack of the spool against the stone wall; then the minute clitter of Mr。 Jingles's paws。 Although it was a cute trick; it palled after niy minutes or so。 And Mr。 Jingles never seemed to get tired。 He paused every now and then to refresh himself with a drink of water out of a coffee saucer Delacroix kept for just that purpose; or to munch a pink crumb of peppermint candy; and then back to it he went。 Several times it was on the tip of my tongue to tell Delacroix to give it a rest; and each time I reminded myself that he had this night and tomorrow to play the spool…game with Mr。 Jingles; and that was all。 Near the end; though; it began to be really difficult to hold onto that thought … you know how it is; with a noise that's repeated over and over。 After a while it shoots your nerve。 I started to speak after all; then something made me look over my shoulder and out the cell door。 John Coffey was standing at his cell door across the way; and he shook his head at me: right; left; back to center。 As if he had read my mind and was tel











