

〃Oui; monsieur;〃 he said; and looked at Mr。 Jingles; perched on John Coffey's broad shoulder; for the last time。 〃Au revoir; mon ami;〃 he said; beginning to cry harder。 〃le t'aime; mon petit。〃 He blew the mouse a kiss。 It should have been funny; that blown kiss; or maybe just grotesque; but it wasn't。 I met Dean's eye for a moment; then had to look away。 Dean stared down the corridor toward the restraint room and smiled strangely I believe he was on the verge of tears。 As for me; I said what I had to say; beginning with the part about how I was an officer of the court; and when I was done; Delacroix stepped out of his cell for the last time。

〃Hold on a second longer; hoss;〃 Brutal said; and checked the crown of Del's head; where the cap would go。 He nodded at me; then clapped Del on the shoulder。 〃Right with Eversharp。 We're on our way。〃

So Eduard Delacroix took his last walk on the Green Mile with little streams of mingled sweat and tears running down his cheeks and big thunder rolling in the sky overhead。 Brutal walked on the condemned man's left; I was on his right; Dean was to the rear。

Schuster was in my office; with guards Ringgold and Battle standing in the corners and keeping watch。 Schuster looked up at Del; smiled; and then addressed him in French。 It sounded stilted to me; but it worked wonders。 Del smiled back; then went to Schuster; put his arms around him; hugged him。 Ringgold and Battle tensed; but I raised my hands to them and shook my head。

Schuster listened to Del's flood of tear…choked French; nodded as if he understood perfectly; and patted him on the back。 He looked at me over the little man's shoulder and said; 〃I hardly understand a quarter of what he's saying。〃

〃Don't think it matters;〃 Brutal rumbled。






