

alue; Marie; oui; pleine de grace; le Seigneur est avec vous; vous etes benie entre toutes les femmes; et mon cher Jesus; le fruit de vos entrailles; est beni。〃 He was crying again; but I don't think he knew it。 〃Sainte Marie;6 ma mere; Mere de Dieu; priez pour moi; priez pour nous; pauv' pecheurs; maint'ant et l'heure 。。。 l'heure de notre mort。 L'heure de mon mort。〃 He took a deep; shuddering breath。 〃Ainsi soit…il。〃

Lightning spilled through the room's one window in a brief blue…white glare as Delacroix got to his feet。 Everyone jumped and cringed except for Del himself; he still seemed lost in the old prayer。 He reached out with one hand; not looking to see where it went。 Brutal took it and squeezed it briefly。 Delacroix looked at him and smiled a little。 〃Nous voyons … 〃 he began; then stopped。 With a conscious effort; he switched back to English。 〃We can go now; Boss Howell; Boss Edgebe。 I'm right wit God;〃

〃That's good;〃 I said; wondering how right with God Del was going to feel twenty minutes from now; when he stood on the other side of the electricity。 I hoped his last prayer had been heard; and that Mother Mary was praying for him with all her heart and soul; because Eduard Delacroix; rapist and murderer; right then needed all the praying he could get his hands on。 Outside; thunder bashed across the sky again。 〃e on; Del。 Not far now。〃

〃Fine; boss; dat fine。 Because I ain't ascairt no more。〃 So he said; but I saw in his eyes that … Our Father or no Our Father; Hail Mary or no Hail Mary … he lied。 By the time they cross the rest of the green carpet and duck through the little door; almost all of them are scared。

〃Stop at the bottom; Del;〃 I told him in a low voice as he went through; but it was advice I needn't have given him。 He stop











