

doo you do?〃 Wharton held his belly and howled。 〃Gosh; if it had only been ka…ka! I wish it had been! If I'd had me some of that………〃

〃You are ka…ka;〃 Brutal growled; 〃and I hope you got your bags packed; because you're going back down to your favorite toilet。〃

Once again Wharton was bundled into the strait jacket; and once again we stowed him in the room with the soft walls。 Two days; this time。 Sometimes we could hear him raving in there; sometimes we could hear him promising that he'd be good; that he'd e to his senses and be good; and sometimes we could hear him screaming that he needed a doctor; that he was dying。 Mostly; though; he was silent。 And he was silent when we took him out again; too; walking; back to his cell with his head down and his eyes dull; not responding when Harry said; 〃Remember; it's up to you。〃 He would be all right for a while; and then he'd try something else。 There was nothing he did that hadn't been tried before (well; except for the thing with the moon…pie; maybe; even Brutal admitted that was pretty original); but his sheer persistence was scary。 I was afraid that sooner or later someone's attention might lapse and there would be hell to pay。 And the situation might continue for quite awhile; because somewhere he had a lawyer who was beating the bushes; telling folks how wrong it would be to kill this fellow upon whose brow the dew of youth had not yet dried … and who was; incidentally; as white as old Jeff Davis。 There was no sense plaining about it; because keeping Wharton out of the chair was his lawyer's job。 Keeping him safely jugged was ours。 And in the end; Old Sparky would almost certainly have him; lawyer or no lawyer。


That was the week Melinda Moores; the warden's wife; came home from Indianola。 Th





