

ting to get a better look; and I saw John Coffey frowning at him; but I was too wrapped up in Brutal's fantasy to pay much attention。 This took telling the condemned man what he wanted to hear to new heights; and I was all admiration; believe me。

'〃Well;〃 Brutal said; 〃there's the mouse city; but what the kids really like is the Mouseville All…Star Circus; where there's mice that swing on trapezes; and mice that roll these little barrels; and mice that stack coins…〃

〃Yeah; dat's it! Dat's the place for Mr。 Jingles!〃 Delacroix said。 His eyes sparkled and his cheeks were high with color。 It occurred to me that Brutus Howell was a kind of saint。 〃You gonna be a circus mouse after all; Mr。 Jingles! Gonna live in a mouse city down Florida! All ivy…glass windows! Hurrah!〃

He threw the spool extra…hard。 It hit low on the wall; took a crazy bounce; and squirted out between the bars of his cell door and onto the Mile。 Mr。 Jingles raced out after it; and Percy saw his chance。

〃No; you fool!〃 Brutal yelled; but Percy paid no attention。 Just as Mr。 Jingles reached the spool … too intent on it to realize his old enemy was at hand … Percy brought the sole of one hard black workshoe down on it。 There was an audible snap as Mr。 Jingles's back broke; and blood gushed from his mouth。 His tiny dark eyes bulged in their sockets; and in them I read an expression of surprised agony that was all too human。

Delacroix screamed with horror and grief。 He threw himself at the door of his cell and thrust his arms out between the bars; reaching as far as he could; crying the mouse's name over and over。

Percy turned toward him; smiling。 Toward the three of us。 〃There;〃 he said。 〃I knew I'd get him; sooner or later。 Just a matter of time; really。〃 He turned an





