

e right up close where he can smell the guy's nuts cooking?〃

Moores shrugged。 His eyes; so soft when he had been speaking about his wife; now looked flinty。 〃Delacroix's nuts are going to cook whether Wetmore's on the team or not;〃 he said。 〃Correct?〃

〃Yes; but he could screw up。 In fact; Hal; he's almost bound to screw up。 And in front of thirty or so witnesses 。。。 reporters all the way up from Louisiana 。 。 。〃

〃You and Brutus Howell will make sure he doesn't;〃 Moores said。 〃And if he does anyway; it goes on his record; and it'll still be there long after his statehouse connections are gone。 You understand?〃

I did。 It made me feel sick and scared; but I did。

〃He may want to stay for Coffey; but if we're lucky; he'll get all he needs from Delacroix。 You just make sure you put him out for that one。〃

I had planned to stick Percy in the switch…room again; then down in the tunnel; riding shotgun on the gurney that would take Delacroix to the meatwagon parked across the road from the prison; but I tossed all those plans back over my shoulder without so much as a second look。 I nodded。 I had the sense to know it was a gamble I was taking; but I didn't care。 If it would get rid of Percy Wetmore; I'd tweak the devil's nose。 He could take part in his execution; clamp on the cap; and then look through the grille and tell Van Hay to roll on two; he could watch the little Frenchman ride the lightning that he; Percy Wetmore; had let out of the bottle。 Let him have his nasty little thrill; if that's what state…sanctioned murder was to him。 Let him go on to Briar Ridge; where he would have his own office and a fan to cool it。 And if his uncle by marriage was voted out of office in the next election and he had to find out what work was like in 





