

with identical expressions of alarm; thinking that something had happened to either the Indian from Oklahoma (his name was Arlen Bitterbuck; but we called him The Chief 。。。 or; in Harry Terwilliger's case; Chief Coat Cheese; because that was what Harry claimed Bitterbuck smelled like); or the fellow we called The President。 But then Brutal started to laugh; and we hurried to see what was happening。 Laughing in E Block sounded almost as wrong as laughing in church。

Old Toot…Toot; the trusty who ran the food…wagon in those days; had been by with his holy…rolling cartful of goodies; and Brutal had stocked up for a long night … three sandwiches; two pops; and a couple of moon pies。 Also a side of potato salad Toot had undoubtedly filched from the prison kitchen; which was supposed to be off…limits to him。 Brutal had the logbook open in front of him; and for a wonder he hadn't spilled anything on it yet。 Of course; he was just getting started。

'What?〃 Dean asked。 〃What is it?〃

〃State legislature must have opened the pursestrings enough to hire another screw this year after all;〃 Brutal said; still laughing。 〃Lookie yonder。〃

He pointed and we saw the mouse。 I started to laugh; too; and Dean joined in。 You really couldn't help it; because a guard doing quarter…hour check rounds was just like that mouse looked like: a tiny; furry guard making sure no one was trying to escape or mit suicide。 It would trot a little way toward us along the Green Mile; then turn its head from side to side; as if checking the cells。 Then it would make another forward spurt。 The fact that we could hear both of our current inmates snoring away in spite of the yelling and the laughter somehow made it even funnier。

It was a perfectly ordinary brown mouse; except for th











