

 time when every second might count。

Howie solved that dilemma by plucking a shred of yellow cotton cloth from a bush growing just beyond the edge of the dooryard。 Klaus was shown this same scrap of cloth as he sat on the witness stand; and began to weep as he identified it as a piece of his daughter Kathe's sleeping…shorts。 Twenty yards beyond it; hanging from the jutting finger of a juniper shrub; they found a piece of faded green cloth that matched the nightie Cora had been wearing when she kissed her ma and pa goodnight。

The Dettericks; father and son; set off at a near…run with their guns held in front of them; as soldiers do when crossing contested ground under heavy fire。 If I wonder at anything that happened that day。 it is that the boy; chasing desperately after his father (and often in danger of being left behind pletely); never fell and put a bullet in Klaus Detterick's back。

The farmhouse was on the exchange … another sign to the neighbors that the Dettericks were prospering; at least moderately; in disastrous times … and Marjorie used Central to call as many of her neighbors that were also on the exchange as she could; telling them of the disaster which had fallen like a lightning…stroke out of a clear sky; knowing that each call would produce overlapping ripples; like pebbles tossed rapidly into a stilly pond。 Then she lifted the handset one last time; and spoke those words that were almost a trademark of the early telephone systems of that time; at least in the rural South: 〃Hello; Central; are you on the line?〃

Central was; but for a moment could say nothing; that worthy woman was all agog。 At last she managed; 〃Yes; ma'am。 Mrs。 Detterick; I sure am; oh dear sweet blessed Jesus; I'm a…prayin right now that your little girls ar





