

wer lip pooched out。 Bill Dodge and his men were moving boxes and stacks of sheets; even the beds; the whole infirmary was going to a new frame building over on the west side of the prison。 Hot work; heavy lifting。 Percy Wetmore wanted no part of either。

〃They got all the men they need;〃 he said。

〃Then get over there and straw…boss;〃 I said; raising my voice。 I saw Harry wince and paid no attention。 If the governor ordered Warden Moores to fire me for ruffling the wrong set of feathers; who was Hal Moores going to put in my place? Percy? It was a joke。 〃I really don't care what you do; Percy; as long as you get out of here for awhile!'

For a moment I thought he was going to stick and there'd be real trouble; with Coffey standing there the whole time like the world's biggest stopped clock。 Then Percy rammed his billy back into its hand…tooled holster…foolish damned vanitorious thing … and went stalking up the corridor。 I don't remember which guard was sitting at the duty desk that day…one of the floaters; I guess … but Percy must not have liked the way he looked; because he growled; 〃You wipe that smirk off your shitepoke face or I'll wipe it off for you〃 as he went by。 There was a rattle of keys; a momentary blast of hot sunlight from the exercise yard; and then Percy Wetmore was gone; at least for the time being。 Delacroix's mouse ran back and forth from one of the little Frenchman's shoulders to the other; his filament whiskers twitching。

〃Be still; Mr。 Jingles;〃 Delacroix said; and the mouse stopped on his left shoulder just as if he had understood。 〃Just be so still and so quiet。〃 In Delacroix's lilting Cajun accent; quiet came out sounding exotic and foreign … kwaht。

〃You go lie down; Del;〃 I said curtly。 〃Take you a rest。 This is





