

nd you'll have to answer even harder for expecting him to do some real work。〃

〃I don't expect it;〃 I said; and I didn't 。。。 but I had hopes。 Bill Dodge wasn't the sort to let a man just stand around and do the heavy looking…on。 〃I'm more interested in the big boy; for the time being。 Are we going to have trouble with him?〃

Harry shook his head with decision。

〃He b at court down there in Trapingus County;〃 Dean said。 He took his little rimless glasses off and began to polish them on his vest。 〃Of course they had more chains on him than Scrooge saw on Marley's ghost; but he could have kicked up dickens if he'd wanted。 That's a pun; son。〃

〃I know;〃 I said; although I didn't。 I just hate letting Dean Stanton get the better of me。

〃Big one; ain't he?〃 Dean said。

〃He is;〃 I agreed。 〃Monstrous big。〃

〃Probably have to crank Old Sparky up to Super Bake to fry his ass!'

〃Don't worry about Old Sparky;〃 I said absently。 〃He makes the big 'uns little。〃

Dean pinched the sides of his nose; where there were a couple of angry red patches from his glasses; and nodded。 〃Yep;〃 he said。 〃Some truth to that; all right。〃

I asked; 〃Do either of you know where he came from before he showed up in 。。。 Tefton? It was Tefton; wasn't it?〃

〃Yep;〃 Dean said。 〃Tefton; down in Trapingus County。 Before he showed up there and did what he did; no one seems to know。 He just drifted around; I guess。 You might be able to find out a little more from the newspapers in the prison library; if you're really interested。 They probably won't get around to moving those until next week。〃 He grinned。 〃You might have to listen to your little buddy bitching and moaning upstairs; though。〃

〃I might just go have a peek; anyway;〃 I said; and l





