

he corner with a Wild West novel in his lap and his hat pulled down over his eyes。 The heat wasn't bothering him; nor were the grunts; thumps; and occasional curses from the infirmary upstairs (where it had to be at least ten degrees hotter; and I hoped Percy Wetmore was enjoying it)。 I didn't bother him; either; but went around to the short side of the L; where the newspapers were kept。 I thought they might be gone along with the fans; in spite of what Dean had said。 They weren't; though; and the business about the Detterick twins was easily enough looked out; it had been front…page news from the mission of the crime in June right through the trial in late August and September。

Soon I had forgotten the heat and the thumps from upstairs and old Gibbons's wheezy snores。 The thought of those little nine…year…old girls … their fluffy heads of blonde hair and their engaging Bobbsey Twins smiles … in connection with Coffey's hulking darkness was unpleasant but impossible to ignore。 Given his size; it was easy to imagine him actually eating them; like a giant in a fairy tale。 What he had done was even worse; and it was a lucky thing for him that he hadn't just been lynched right there on the riverbank。 If; that was; you considered waiting to walk the Green Mile and sit in Old Sparky's lap lucky。


King Cotton had been deposed in the South seventy years before all these things happened and would never be king again; but in those years of the thirties it had a little revival。 There were no more cotton plantations; but there were forty or fifty prosperous cotton farms in the southern part of our state。 Klaus Detterick owned one of them。 By the standards of the nieen…fifties he would have been considered only a rung above shirttail poor; but by those of the 











