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ch hung its snowycurtains about his image; imparting to religion the warmth of love;and to love a religious purity。 Satan; that afternoon; had surelyled the poor young girl away from her mother's side; and thrown herinto the pathway of this sorely tempted; or… shall we not rather say?…this lost and desperate man。 As she drew nigh; the arch…fiendwhispered him to condense into small pass and drop into hertender bosom a germ of evil that would be sure to blossom darkly soon;and bear black fruit betimes。 Such was his sense of power over thisvirgin soul; trusting him as she did; that the minister felt potent toblight all the field of innocence with but one wicked look; anddevelop all its opposite with but a word。 So… with a mightier strugglethan he had yet sustained… he held his Geneva cloak before his face;and hurried onward; making no sign of recognition; and leaving theyoung sister to digest his rudeness as she might。 She ransacked herconscience… which was full of harmless little matters; like herpocket; or her workbag… and took herself to task; poor thing! for athousand imaginary faults; and went about her household duties withswollen eyelids the next morning。 Before the minister had time to celebrate his victory over this lasttemptation; he was conscious of another impulse; more ludicrous; andalmost as horrible。 It was… we blush to tell it… it was to stopshort in the road; and teach some very wicked words to a knot oflittle Puritan children who were playing there; and had but just begunto talk。 Denying himself this freak; as unworthy of his cloth; hemet a drunken seaman; one of the ship's crew from the Spanish Main。And here; since he had so valiantly forborne all other wickedness;poor Mr。 Dimmesdale longed; at least to shake hands with the tarryblackguard; and recr