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win the most aspiring ambition into its service。Even political power… as in the case of Increase Mather… was withinthe grasp of a successful priest。 It was the observation of those who beheld him now; that never;since Mr。 Dimmesdale first set his foot on the New England shore;had he exhibited such energy as was seen in the gait and air withwhich he kept his pace in the procession。 There was no feebleness ofstep; as at other times; his frame was not bent; nor did his hand restominously upon his heart。 Yet; if the clergyman were rightly viewed;his strength seemed not of the body。 It might be spiritual; andimparted to him by angelic ministrations。 It might be the exhilarationof that potent cordial; which is distilled only in the furnace…glow ofearnest and long…continued thought。 Or; perchance; his sensitivetemperament was invigorated by the loud and piercing music; thatswelled heavenward; and uplifted him on its ascending wave。Nevertheless; so abstracted was his look; it might be questionedwhether Mr。 Dimmesdale even heard the music。 There was his body;moving onward; and with an unaccustomed force。 But where was his mind?Far and deep in its own region; busying itself; with preternaturalactivity; to marshal a procession of stately thoughts that were soonto issue thence; and so he saw nothing; heard nothing; knew nothing;of what was around him; but the spiritual element took up the feebleframe; and carried it along; unconscious of the burden; and convertingit to spirit like himself。 Men of unmon intellect; who have grownmorbid; possess this occasional power of mighty effort; into whichthey throw the life of many days; and then are lifeless for as manymore。 Hester Prynne; gazing steadfastly at the clergyman; felt a drearyinfluence e over her; but wherefore or whence she

