指點迷津提示您:看後求收藏(第30部分,紅字-the scarlet letter(英文版),指點迷津,630看書),接著再看更方便。
d to be fairly asleep; Pearl looked up; with mischiefgleaming in her black eyes。 〃Mother;〃 said she; 〃what does the scarlet letter mean?〃 And the next morning; the first indication the child gave of beingawake was by popping up her head from the pillow; and making thatother inquiry; which she had so unaccountably connected with herinvestigations about the scarlet letter… 〃Mother!… mother!… why does the minister keep his hand over hisheart?〃 〃Hold thy tongue; naughty child!〃 answered her mother; with anasperity that she had never permitted to herself before。 〃Do not teaseme; else I shall shut thee into the dark closet!〃 XVI。 A FOREST WALK。 HESTER PRYNNE remained constant in her resolve to make known toMr。 Dimmesdale; at whatever risk of present pain or ulteriorconsequences; the true character of the man who had crept into hisintimacy。 For several days; however; she vainly sought anopportunity of addressing him in some of the meditative walks whichshe knew him to be in the habit of taking; along the shores of thepeninsula; or on the wooded hills of the neighbouring country。 Therewould have been no scandal; indeed; nor peril to the holy whiteness ofthe clergyman's good fame; had she visited him in his own study; wheremany a penitent; ere now; had confessed sins of perhaps as deep adye as the one betokened by the scarlet letter。 But; partly that shedreaded the secret or undisguised interference of old RogerChillingworth; and partly that her conscious heart imputed suspicionwhere none could have been felt; and partly that both the minister andshe would need the whole wide world to breathe in; while they talkedtogether… for all these reasons; Hester never though of meeting him inany narrower privacy than beneath the