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acy; bethinkingthemselves that this woman is youthful and fair; and doubtless wasstrongly tempted to her fall… and that; moreover; as is most likely;her husband may be at the bottom of the sea… they have not been boldto put in force the extremity of our righteous law against her。 Thepenalty thereof is death。 But in their great mercy and tenderness ofheart; they have doomed Mistress Prynne to stand only a space of threehours on the platform of the pillory; and then and thereafter; for theremainder of her natural life; to wear a mark of shame upon herbosom。〃 〃A wise sentence!〃 remarked the stranger; gravely bowing his head。〃Thus she will be a living sermon against sin; until the ignominiousletter be engraved upon her tombstone。 It irks me; nevertheless;that the partner of her iniquity should not; at least; stand on thescaffold by her side。 But he will be known!… he will be known!… hewill be known!〃 He bowed courteously to the municative townsman; and;whispering a few words to his Indian attendant; they both made theirway through the crowd。 While this passed; Hester Prynne had been standing on herpedestal; still with a fixed gaze towards the stranger; so fixed agaze that; at moments of intense absorption; all other objects inthe visible world seemed to vanish; leaving only him and her。 Suchan interview; perhaps; would have been more terrible than even to meethim as she now did; with the hot; mid…day sun burning down upon herface; and lighting up its shame; with the scarlet token of infamy onher breast; with the sin…born infant in her arms; with a whole people;drawn forth as to a festival; staring at the features that should havebeen seen only in the quiet gleam of the fireside; in the happy shadowof a home; or beneath a matronly veil; at church。 Dreadful as itwas; s

