指點迷津提示您:看後求收藏(第6部分,紅字-the scarlet letter(英文版),指點迷津,630看書),接著再看更方便。


LET LETTER〃; and it should be bornecarefully in mind; that the main facts of that story are authorisedand authenticated by the document of Mr Surveyor Pue。 The originalpapers; together with the scarlet letter itself… a most curious relic…are still in my possession; and shall be freely exhibited towhomsoever; induced by the great interest of the narrative; may desirea sight of them。 I must not be understood as affirming; that; in thedressing up of the tale; and imagining the motives and modes ofpassion that influenced the characters who figure in it; I haveinvariably confined myself within the limits of the old Surveyor'shalf…a…dozen sheets of foolscap。 On the contrary; I have allowedmyself; as to such points; nearly or altogether as much license asif the facts had been entirely of my own invention。 What I contend foris the authenticity of the outline。 This incident recalled my mind; in some degree; to its old track。There seemed to be here the groundwork of a tale。 It impressed me asif the ancient Surveyor; in his garb of a hundred years gone by; andwearing his immortal wig… which was buried with him; but did notperish in the grave… had met me in the deserted chamber of theCustom…House。 In his port was the dignity of one who had borne hisMajesty's mission; and who was therefore illuminated by a ray ofthe splendour that shone so dazzlingly about the throne。 How unlike;alas! the hang…dog look of a republican official; who; as theservant of the people; feels himself less than the least; and belowthe lowest of his masters。 With his own ghostly hand; the obscurelyseen but majestic figure had imparted to me the scarlet symbol; andthe little roll of explanatory manuscript。 With his own ghostly voice;he had exhorted me; on the sacred consideration of my filial dutyand reverence











