精靈王提示您:看後求收藏(第20部分,四季隨筆-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版),精靈王,630看書),接著再看更方便。


Of course the intellectual assumption which makes his system untenable by the thinker of our time is: that we possess a knowledge of the absolute。 Noble is the belief that by exercise of his reason a man may enter into munion with that Rational Essence which is the soul of the world; but precisely because of our inability to find within ourselves any such sure and certain guidance do we of to…day accept the barren doom of scepticism。 Otherwise; the Stoic's sense of man's subordination in the universal scheme; and of the all…ruling destiny; brings him into touch with our own philosophical views; and his doctrine concerning the 〃sociable〃 nature of man; of the reciprocal obligations which exist between all who live; are entirely congenial to the better spirit of our day。 His fatalism is not mere resignation; one has not only to accept one's lot; whatever it is; as inevitable; but to accept it with joy; with praises。 Why are we here? For the same reason that has brought about the existence of a horse; or of a vine; to play the part allotted to us by Nature。 As it is within our power to understand the order of things; so are we capable of guiding ourselves in accordance therewith; the will; powerless over circumstance; is free to determine the habits of the soul。 The first duty is self…discipline; its correspondent first privilege is an inborn knowledge of the law of life。

But we are fronted by that persistent questioner who will accept no a priori assumption; however noble in its character and beneficent in its tendency。 How do we know that the reason of the Stoic is at harmony with the world's law? I; perhaps; may see life from a very different point of view; to me reason may dictate; not self…subdual; but self…indulgence; I may find in the free exercise of all











