精靈王提示您:看後求收藏(第26部分,四季隨筆-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版),精靈王,630看書),接著再看更方便。


uld extend it to all civilized natives of our country。 We are content with nothing but the finest savours; the truest binations; our wealth; and happy natural circumstances; have allowed us an education of the palate of which our natural aptitude was worthy。 Think; by the bye; of those new potatoes; just mentioned。 Our cook; when dressing them; puts into the saucepan a sprig of mint。 This is genius。 No otherwise could the flavour of the vegetable be so perfectly; yet so delicately; emphasized。 The mint is there; and we know it; yet our palate knows only the young potato。


There is to me an odd pathos in the literature of vegetarianism。 I remember the day when I read these periodicals and pamphlets with all the zest of hunger and poverty; vigorously seeking to persuade myself that flesh was an altogether superfluous; and even a repulsive; food。 If ever such things fall under my eyes nowadays; I am touched with a half humorous passion for the people whose necessity; not their will; consents to this chemical view of diet。 There es before me a vision of certain vegetarian restaurants; where; at a minim outlay; I have often enough made believe to satisfy my craving stomach; where I have swallowed 〃savoury cutlet;〃 〃vegetable steak;〃 and I know not what windy insufficiencies tricked up under specious names。 One place do I recall where you had a plete dinner for sixpence……I dare not try to remember the items。 But well indeed do I see the faces of the guests……poor clerks and shopboys; bloodless girls and women of many sorts……all endeavouring to find a relish in lentil soup and haricot something…or…other。 It was a grotesquely heart…breaking sight。

I hate with a bitter hatred the names of lentils and haricots……those pretentious cheats of the appetite; t











