精靈王提示您:看後求收藏(第15部分,四季隨筆-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版),精靈王,630看書),接著再看更方便。


ible。 So let cressets flare into the night from all the hills! It is no purchased exultation; no servile flattery。 The People acclaims itself; yet not without genuine gratitude and affection towards the Representative of its glory and its power。 The Constitutional pact has been well preserved。 Review the record of kingdoms; and say how often it has e to pass that sovereign and people rejoiced together over bloodless victories。


At an inn in the north I once heard three men talking at their breakfast on the question of diet。 They agreed that most people ate too much meat; and one of them went so far as to declare that; for his part; he rather preferred vegetables and fruit。 〃Why;〃 he said; 〃will you believe me that I sometimes make a breakfast of apples?〃 This announcement was received in silence; evidently the two listeners didn't quite know what to think of it。 Thereupon the speaker; in rather a blustering tone; cried out; 〃Yes; I can make a very good breakfast on TWO OR THREE POUNDS OF APPLES。〃

Wasn't it amusing? And wasn't it characteristic? This honest Briton had gone too far in frankness。 'Tis all very well to like vegetables and fruits up to a certain point; but to breakfast on apples! His panions' silence proved that they were just a little ashamed of him; his confession savoured of poverty or meanness; to right himself in their opinion; nothing better occurred to the man than to protest that he ate apples; yes; but not merely one or two; he ate them largely; BY THE POUND! I laughed at the fellow; but I thoroughly understood him; so would every Englishman; for at the root of our being is a hatred of parsimony。 This manifests itself in all sorts of ludicrous or contemptible forms; but no less is it the source of our finest qualities。 An











