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aner; wondering what Dan was doing on the other side of the

wall; fantasizing about the taste of his warm coffee…and…cigarette…breath kisses?

She hated the sun; didn?t even own a bathing suit; and basically despised everything about the

beach and the tan; half…naked; thoroughly annoying people who glommed to it。 But her life sucked

just enough right now that it actually sounded 。 。 。 not so bad。

?Amagansett;? Vanessa pronounced slowly; like it was a disease; or a genital area; or a Far

Eastern country she?d never heard of before。 ?That sounds lovely。?

Oh; it is lovely。 But only under the right circumstances。


ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02


Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to

protect the innocent。 Namely; me。

hey people!

I interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this late…breaking news:

my tipsters are the best。 You may remember a concerned reader writing in a few days ago about a

couple of look…alike impostors who?d infiltrated Hamptons society? Turns out they weren?t

fooling: the gruesome twosome who bear a disturbing resemblance to and are a couple of Estonian

semibeauties who a certain designer has hired to be the faces of his newest venture; a

ready…to…wear line he?s launching this fall。 Looks like it?s going to be double (quadruple?) the

trouble。 And here I thought scientists had only figured out how to clone a sheep! Estonia is so

technologically advanced。 But the real dirt is on these girls? sor…did history。 Details are surfacing

as we speak! My money?s on 







