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to freak out first; but before she does; let?s all take a second to
appreciate the possibilities?couldn?t having your own private look…alike e in mighty handy at
times? I know I would have loved one this past May at exam time; when all this body wanted to
do was lounge in Sheep Meadow。 And what about avoiding boring family brunches at Le Cirque?
Or having an extra pair of hands to do some charity work in our names? And isn?t more a little
merrier anyway? Then again; more bodies = less space on those overcrowded Hamptons beaches。
Maybe ditching those doppelgangers isn?t such a bad idea。 (Did you really think that getting into
college meant I?d forget all my SAT words?)
If you?re merely nodding to my overcrowded beaches ment and haven?t actually
experienced it firsthand; consider this a public service announcement: no matter how many people
flock to the Hamptons in the summer; it?s the only place to see and be seen。 So fold up that
lap…top; grab a beach bag; and get your booty to the nearest private jet! In a pinch; the Hampton
Jitney will do?it should onl