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the doorway guarding my outgoing and my ining。〃 And

the woman fulfilled her trust; the men rested implicitly in her;

receiving her praise or her blame with pleasure or with anger;

rebelling and storming; but never for a moment really escaping

in their own souls from her prerogative。 They depended on her

for their stability。 Without her; they would have felt like

straws in the wind; to be blown hither and thither at random。

She was the anchor and the security; she was the restraining

hand of God; at times highly to be execrated。

Now when Tom Brangwen; at nineteen; a youth fresh like a

plant; rooted in his mother and his sister; found that he had

lain with a prostitute woman in a mon public house; he was

very much startled。 For him there was until that time only one

kind of woman……his mother and sister。

But now? He did not know what to feel。 There was a slight

wonder; a pang of anger; of disappointment; a first taste of ash

and of cold fear lest this was all that would happen; lest his

relations with woman were going to be no more than this

nothingness; there was a slight sense of shame before the

prostitute; fear that she would despise him for his

inefficiency; there was a cold distaste for her; and a fear of

her; there was a moment of paralyzed horror when he felt he

might have taken a disease from her; and upon all this startled

tumult of emotion; was laid the steadying hand of mon sense;

which said it did not matter very much; so long as he had no

disease。 He soon recovered balance; and really it did not matter

so very much。

But it had shocked him; and put a mistrust into his heart;













