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and emphasized his fear of what was within himself。 He was;

however; in a few days going about again in his own careless;

happy…go…lucky fashion; his blue eyes just as clear and honest

as ever; his face just as fresh; his appetite just as keen。

Or apparently so。 He had; in fact; lost some of his buoyant

confidence; and doubt hindered his outgoing。

For some time after this; he ore conscious when

he drank; more backward from panionship。 The disillusion of

his first carnal contact with woman; strengthened by his innate

desire to find in a woman the embodiment of all his

inarticulate; powerful religious impulses; put a bit in his

mouth。 He had something to lose which he was afraid of losing;

which he was not sure even of possessing。 This first affair did

not matter much: but the business of love was; at the bottom of

his soul; the most serious and terrifying of all to him。

He was tormented now with sex desire; his imagination

reverted always to lustful scenes。 But what really prevented his

returning to a loose woman; over and above the natural

squeamishness; was the recollection of the paucity of the last

experience。 It had been so nothing; so dribbling and functional;

that he was ashamed to expose himself to the risk of a

repetition of it。

He made a strong; instinctive fight to retain his native

cheerfulness unimpaired。 He had naturally a plentiful stream of

life and humour; a sense of sufficiency and exuberance; giving

ease。 But now it tended to cause tension。 A strained light came

into his eyes; he had a slight knitting of the brows。 His

boisterous humour gave place to lowering









