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Here a mistake must be avoided。 We intend blame; and justly impute it as a fault; when we say of

an individual; that he is “interested” (in taking part in such or such transactions) that is; seeks

only his private advantage。 In reprehending this we find fault with him for furthering his personal

aims without any regard to a more prehensive design; of which he takes advantage to promote

his own interest; or which he even sacrifices with this view。 But he who is active in promoting an

object; is not simply “interested;” but interested in that object itself。 Language faithfully

expresses this distinction。 — Nothing therefore happens; nothing is acplished; unless the

individuals concerned; seek their own satisfaction in the issue。 They are particular units of society;

i。e。 they have special needs; instincts; and interests generally; peculiar to themselves。 Among these

needs are not only such as we usually call necessities — the stimuli of individual desire and volition

— but also those connected with individual views and convictions; or — to use a term expressing

less decision — leanings of opinion; supposing the impulses of reflection; understanding; and

reason; to have been awakened。 In these cases people demand; if they are to exert themselves in

any direction; that the object should mend itself to them; that in point of opinion; — whether as

to its goodness; justice; advantage; profit; — they should be able to “enter into it” (dabei seyn)。

This is a consideration of especial importance in our age; when people are less than formerly

influenced by reliance on others; and by authority; when; on the contrary; they devote their

activities to a 











