

 of it either; if I hadn't put together what he told Deputy McGee that day with what he said after he cured my infection; and what he said after he healed the mouse。〃

〃What?〃 Dean asked。

〃When I went into his cell; it was like I was hypnotized。 I didn't feel like I could have stopped doing what he wanted; even if I'd tried。〃

〃I don't like the sound of that;〃 Harry said; and shifted uneasily in his seat。

〃I asked him what he wanted; and he said 'Just to help。' I remember that very clearly。 And when it was over and I was better; he knew。 'I helped it;' he said。 'I helped it; didn't I?; 〃

Brutal was nodding。 〃Just like with the mouse。 You said 'You helped it;' and Coffey said it back to you like he was a parrot。 'I helped Del's mouse。' Is that when you knew? It was; wasn't it?。〃

〃Yeah; I guess so。 I remembered what he said to McGee when McGee asked him what had happened。 It was in every story about the murders; just about。 'I couldn't help it。 I tried to take it back; but it was too late。' A man saying a thing like that with two little dead girls in his arms; them white and blonde; him as big as a house; no wonder they got it wrong。 They heard what he was saying in a way that would agree with what they were seeing; and what they were seeing was black。 They thought he was confessing; that he was saying he'd had a pulsion to take those girls; rape them; and kill them。 That he'd e to his senses and tried to stop。

〃But by then it was too late;〃 Brutal murmured

〃Yes。 Except what he was really trying to tell them was that he'd found them; tried to heal them … to bring them back … and had no success。 They were too far gone in death。〃

〃Paul; do you believe that?〃 Dean asked。 〃Do you really; honest…to…God believe that?〃





