

I examined my heart as well as I could one final time; then nodded my head。 Not only did I know it now; there was an intuitive part of me that had known something wasn't right with John Coffey's situation from the very beginning; when Percy had e onto the block hauling on Coffey's arm and blaring 〃Dead man walking! … at the top of his lungs。 I had shaken hands with him; hadn't I? I had never shaken the hand of a man ing on the Green Mile before; but I had shaken Coffey's。

〃Jesus;〃 Dean said。 〃Good Jesus Christ。〃

〃Your shoe's one thing;〃 Harry said。 〃What's the other?〃

〃Not long before the posse found Coffey and the girls; the men came out of the woods near the south bank of the Trapingus River。 They found a patch of flattened…down grass there; a lot of blood; and the rest of Cora Detterick's nightie。 The dogs got confused for a bit。 Most wanted to go southeast; downstream along the bank。 But two of them…the coon…dogs … wanted to go upstream。 〃Bobo Marchant was running the dogs; and when he save the coonies a sniff of the nightgown; they turned with the others。〃

〃The coonies got mixed up; didn't they?〃 Brutal asked。 A strange; sickened little smile was playing around the corners of his mouth。 〃They ain't built to be trackers; strictly speaking ; and they got mixed up on what their job was。〃


〃I don't get it;〃 Dean said。

〃The coonies forgot whatever it was Bobo ran under their noses to get them started;〃 Brutal said。 〃By the time they came out on the riverbank; the coonies were tracking the killer; not the girls。 That wasn't a problem as long as the killer and the girls were together; but 。。。〃

The light was dawning in Dean's eyes。 Harry had already gotten it。

〃When you think about it;〃 I said; 〃yo





