

 a little; but that was all。 On top of his head; Mr。 Jingles wasn't trembling。 He sat perfectly still with his back feet in Delacroix's hair and his front ones splayed on Delacroix's bald looking at Percy; seeming to size him up。 The way you'd size up an old enemy。

Percy looked at me。 〃Isn't that the same one I chased? The one that lives in the restraint room?〃

I nodded。 I had an idea Percy hadn't seen the newly named Mr。 Jingles since that last chase; and he showed no signs of wanting to chase it now。

〃Yes; that's the one;〃 I said。 〃Only Delacroix there says his name is Mr。 Jingles; not Steamboat Willy。 Says the mouse whispered it in his ear。〃

〃Is that so;〃 Percy said。 〃Wonders never cease; do they?〃 I half…expected him to pull out his baton and start tapping it against the bars; just to show Delacroix who was boss; but he only stood there with his hands on his hips; looking in。

And for no reason I could have told you in words; I said: 〃Delacroix there was just asking for a box; Percy。 He thinks that mouse will sleep in it; I guess。 That he can keep it for a pet。〃 I loaded my voice with skepticism; and sensed more than saw Harry looking at me in surprise。 〃What do you think about that?〃

〃I think it'll probably shit up his nose some night while he's sleeping and then run away;〃 Percy said evenly; 〃but I guess that's the French boy's lookout。 I seen a pretty nice cigar box on Toot…Toot's cart the other night。 I don't know if he'd give it away; though。 Probably want a nickel for it; maybe even a dime。〃

Now I did risk a glance at Harry; and saw his mouth hanging open。 This wasn't quite like the change in Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning; after the ghosts had had their way with him; but it was damned close。






