

leaned closer to Delacroix; putting his face between the bars。 Delacroix shrank back even farther。 I swear to God that he would have melted into that wall if he'd been able。

〃You got a nickel or maybe as much as a dime to pay for a cigar box; you lugoon?〃 he asked。

〃I got four pennies;〃; Delacroix said。 〃I give them for a box; if it a good one; s'il est bon。〃

〃I'll tell you what;〃 Percy said。 〃If that toothless old whoremaster will sell you that Corona box for four cents; I'll sneak some cotton batting out of the dispensary to line it with。 We'll make us a regular Mousie Hilton; before we're through。〃 He shifted his eyes to me。 〃I'm supposed to write a switch…room report about Bitterbuck;〃 he said。 〃Is there some pens in your office; Paul?〃

〃Yes; indeed;〃 I said。 〃Forms; too。 Lefthand top drawer。〃

〃Well; that's aces;〃 he said; and went swaggering off。

Harry and I looked at each other。 〃Is he sick; do you think?〃 Harry asked。 〃Maybe went to his doctor and found out he's only got three months to live?〃

I told him I didn't have the slightest idea what was up。 It was the truth then; and for awhile after; but I found out in time。 And a few years later; I had an interesting supper…table conversation with Hal Moores。 By then we could talk freely; what with him being retired and me being at the Boys' Correctional。 It was one of those meals where you drink too much and eat too little; and tongues get loosened。 Hal told me that Percy had been in to plain about me and about life on the Mile in general。 This was just after Delacroix came on the block; and Brutal and I had kept Percy from beating him half to death。 What had griped Percy the most was me telling him to get out of my sight。 He didn't think a man who was related to the go





