

; in its way; and I suppose that was what had really made me mad。

I looked around; saw Brutal staring at me; still grinning a little。

〃Shit;〃 I said; 〃I'm getting too old for this job。〃

〃Nah;〃 Brutal said。 〃You're in your prime; Paul。〃 But I wasn't; neither was he; not as far as this goddam job went; and both of us knew it。 Still; the important thing was that the laughing fit had passed。 That was good; because the last thing I wanted was somebody remembering Toot's smart…aleck remark tomorrow night and getting going again。 You'd say such a thing would be impossible; a guard laughing his ass off as he escorted a condemned man past the witnesses to the electric chair; but when men are under stress; anything can happen。 And a thing like that; people would have talked about it for twenty years。

〃Are you going to be quiet; Toot?〃 I asked。

〃Yes;〃 he said; his averted face that of the world's oldest; poutiest child。

I nodded to Brutal that he should get on with the rehearsal。 He took the mask from the brass hook on the back of the chair and rolled it down over Toot Toot's head; pulling it snug under his chin; which opened the hole at the top to its widest diameter。 Then Brutal leaned over; picked the wet circle of sponge out of the bucket; pressed one finger against it; then licked the tip of the finger。 That done; he put the sponge back in the bucket。 Tomorrow he wouldn't。 Tomorrow he would tuck it into the cap perched on the back of the chair。 Not today; though; there was no need to get Toot's old head wet。

The cap was steel; and with the straps dangling down on either side; it looked sort of like a dough boy's helmet。 Brutal put it on Old Toot…Toot's head; snugging it down over the hole in the black headcovering。






