

in the cap。 gettin the cap; gettin the cap;〃 Toot said; and nouffled。 The straps held his jaw almost closed; and I suspected Brutal had snugged it down a little tighter than he strictly had to for purposes of rehearsal。 He stepped back; faced the empty seats; and said: 〃Arlen Bitterbuck; electricity shall now be passed through your body until you are dead; in accordance with state law。 May God have mercy on your soul。〃

Brutal turned to the mesh…covered rectangle。 〃Roll on two。〃

Old Toot; perhaps trying to recapture his earlier flare of ic genius; began to buck and flail in the chair; as Old Sparky's actual customers almost never did。 〃Now I'm fryin!〃 he cried。 〃Fryin! Fryyyin! Geeeaah! I'm a done tom turkey!〃

Harry and Dean; I saw; were not watching this at all。 They had turned away from Sparky and were looking across the empty storage room at the door leading back into my office。 〃Well; I'll be goddamned;〃 Harry said。 〃One of the witnesses came a day early。〃

Sitting in the doorway with its tail curled neatly around its paws; watching with its beady black oilspot eyes; was the mouse。


The execution went well … if there was ever such a thing as 〃a good one〃 (a proposition I strongly doubt); then the execution of Arlen Bitterbuck; council elder of the Washita Cherokee; was it。 He got his braids wrong … his hands were shaking too badly to make a good job of it … and his eldest daughter; a woman of thirty…odd; was allowed to plait them nice and even。 She wanted to weave feathers in at the tips; the pinfeathers of a hawk; his bird; but I couldn't allow it。 They might catch fire and burn。 I didn't tell her that; of course; just said it was against regulations。 She made no protest; only bowed her head and put her hands to her temples





