

 the ground; God said to Cain; and I doubt if the words were much of a surprise to that particular problem…child; I bet he heard Abel's blood whining out of the earth at him with each step he took。

The Chief was smiling when I left; perhaps thinking about his lodge in Montana and his wife lying bare…breasted in the light of the fire。 He would be walking in a warmer fire soon; I had no doubt。

I went back up the corridor; and Dean told me about his set…to with Percy the previous night。 I think he'd waited around just so he could; and I listened carefully。 I always listened carefully when the subject was Percy; because I agreed with Dean a hundred per cent … I thought Percy was the sort of man who could cause a lot of trouble; as much for the rest of us as for himself。

As Dean was finishing; old Toot…Toot came by with his red snack…wagon; which was covered with handlettered Bible quotes (〃REPENT for the LORD shall judge his people;〃 Deut。 32:36; 〃And surely your BLOOD of your lives will I require;〃 Gen。 9:5; and similar cheery; uplifting sentiments); and sold us some sandwiches and pops。 Dean was hunting for change in his pocket and saying that we wouldn't see Steamboat Willy anymore; that goddam Percy Wetmore had scared him off for good; when old Toot…Toot said; 'What's that'ere; then?〃

We looked; and here came the mouse of the hour his ownself; hopping up the middle of the Green Mile。 He'd e a little way; then stop; look around with his bright little oildrop eyes; then e on again。

〃Hey; mouse!〃 The Chief said; and the mouse stopped and looked at him; whiskers twitching。 I tell you; it was exactly as if the damned thing knew it had been called。 〃You some kind of spirit guide?〃

Bitterbuck tossed the mouse a little morsel of cheese 





