

from his supper。 It landed right in front of the mouse; but Steamboat Willy hardly even glanced at it; just came on his way again; up the Green Mile; looking in empty cells。

〃Boss Edgebe!〃 The。 President called。 〃Do you think that little bastard knows Wetmore isn't here? I do; by God!〃

I felt about the same 。。。 but I wasn't going to say so out loud。

Harry came out into the hall; hitching up his pants the way he always did after he'd spent a refreshing few minutes in the can; and stood there with his eyes wide。 Toot…Toot was also staring; a sunken grin doing unpleasant things to the soft and toothless lower half of his face。

The mouse stopped in what was being its usual spot; curled its tail around its paws; and looked at us。 Again I was reminded of pictures I had seen of judges passing sentence on hapless prisoners 。。。 yet; had there ever been a prisoner as small and unafraid as this one? Not that it really was a prisoner; of course; it could e and go pretty much as it pleased。 Yet the idea would not leave my mind; and it again occurred to me that most of us would feel that small when approaching God's judgment seat after our lives were over; but very few of us would be able to look so unafraid。

〃Well; I swear;〃 Old Toot…Toot said。 〃There he sits; big as Billy…Be…Frigged。〃

〃You ain't seen nothing yet; Toot;〃 Harry said。 〃atch this。〃 He reached into his breast pocket and came out with a slice of cinnamon apple wrapped in waxed paper。 He broke off the end and tossed it on the floor。 It was dry and hard and I thought it would bounce right past the mouse; but it reached out one paw; as carelessly as a man swatting at a fly to pass the time; and batted it flat。 We all laughed in admiration and surprise; an outburst of sound that shou











