

ld have sent the mouse skittering; but it barely twitched。 It picked up the piece of dried apple in its paws; gave it a couple of licks; then dropped it and looked up at us as if to say; Not bad; what else do you have?

Toot…Toot opened his cart; took out a sandwich; unwrapped it; and tore off a scrap of bologna。

〃Don't bother;〃 Dean said。

'What do you mean?〃 Toot…Toot asked。 〃Ain't a mouse alive'd pass up bologna if he could get it。 You a crazy guy!〃

But I knew Dean was right; and I could see by Harry's face that he knew it; too。 There were floaters and there were regulars。 Somehow; that mouse seemed to know the difference。 Nuts; but true。

Old Toot…Toot tossed the scrap of bologna down; and sure enough; the mouse wouldn't have a thing to do with it; sniffed it once and then backed off a pace。

〃I'll be a goddamned son of a bitch;〃 Old Toot…Toot said; sounding offended。

I held out my hand。 〃Give it to me。〃

〃What … same sammitch?〃

〃Same one。 I'll pay for it。〃

Toot…Toot handed it over。 I lifted the top slice of bread; tore off another sliver of meat; and dropped it over the front of the duty desk。 The mouse came forward at once。 picked it up in its paws; and began to eat。 The bologna was gone before you could say Jack Robinson。

〃I'll be goddamned!〃 Toot…Toot cried。 〃Bloody hell! Gimme dat!〃

He snatched back the sandwich; tore off a much larger piece of meat … not a scrap this time but a flap … and dropped it so close to the mouse that Steamboat Willy almost ended up wearing it for a hat。 It drew back again; sniffed (surely no mouse ever hit such a jackpot during the Depression … not in our state; at least); and then looked up at us。

〃Go on; eat it!〃 Toot…Toot said; sounding more offen











