

em what happens when a Louisiana boy puts the hammer down and really goes to work。〃

〃You bet。〃 A smile shone out of his face; so sudden and so simple in its happiness that I felt my heart break for him a little; in spite of the terrible thing he had done。 What a world we live in … what a world!

Delacroix turned to John Coffey; with whom he had struck up a diffident friendship not much different from a hundred other deathhouse acquaintances I'd seen。

〃You knock em for a loop; Del;〃 Coffey said in a serious voice。 〃You show em all his tricks。〃

Delacroix nodded and held his hand up by his shoulder。 Mr。 Jingles stepped onto it like it was a platform; and Delacroix held the hand out toward Coffey's cell。 John Coffey stuck out a huge finger; and I'll be damned if that mouse didn't stretch out his neck and lick the end of it; just like a dog。

〃e on; Del; quit lingerin;〃 Brutal said。 〃These folks're settin back a hot dinner at home to watch your mouse cut his capers。〃 Not true; of course Anderson would have been there until eight o'clock on any night; and the guards he'd dragged in to watch Delacroix's 〃show〃 would be there until eleven or twelve; depending on when their shifts were scheduled to end。 The politician from the state capital would most likely turn out to be an office janitor in a borrowed tie。 But Delacroix had no way of knowing any of that。

〃I'm ready;〃 Delacroix said; speaking with the simplicity of a great star who has somehow managed to retain the mon touch。 〃Let's go。〃 And as Brutal led him up the Green Mile with Mr。 Jingles perched there on the little man's shoulder; Delacroix once more began to bugle; 〃Messieurs et mesdames! Bienvenue au cirque de mousie!〃 Yet; even lost as deeply in his own fantasy world as he was; 





