

he gave Percy a wide berth and a mistrustful glance。

Harry and Dean stopped in front of the empty cell across from Wharton's (that worthy had still not so much as stirred)。 They watched as Brutal unlocked the door to the exercise yard; where another two guards were waiting to join him; and led Delacroix out; bound for his mand performance before the grand high poohbahs of Cold Mountain Penitentiary。 We waited until the door was locked again; and then I looked toward my office。 That shadow was still lying on the floor; thin as famine; and I was glad Delacroix had been too excited to see it。

〃e on out;〃 I said。 〃And let's move along brisk; folks。 I want to get two run…throughs in; and we don't have much time。〃

Old Toot…Toot; looking as bright…eyed and bushytailed as ever; came out; walked to Delacroix's cell; and strolled in through the open door。 〃Sittin down;〃 he said。 〃I'm sittin down; I'm sittin down; I'm sittin down。〃

This is the real circus; I thought; closing my eyes for a second。 This is the real circus right here; and we're all just a bunch of trained mice。 Then I put the thought out of my mind; and we started to rehearse。


The first rehearsal went well; and so did the second。 Percy performed better than I could have hoped for in my wildest dreams。 That didn't mean things would go right when the time really came for the Cajun to walk the Mile; but it was a big step in the right direction。 It occurred to me that it had gone well because Percy was at long last doing something he cared about。 I felt a surge of contempt at that; and pushed it away。 What did it matter? He would cap Delacroix and roll him; and then both of them would be gone。 If that wasn't a happy ending; what was? And; as Moores had pointed out; Delacroix's





