

ul novella set in prison (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption); and had sort of e to the conclusion that that was probably it for me; when this take on the idea came along。 There were lots of things I liked about it; but nothing more than the narrator's essentially decent voice; low…key; honest; perhaps a little wide…eyed; he is a Stephen King narrator if ever there was one。 So I got to work; but in a tentative; stopand…start way。 Most of the second chapter was written during a rain delay at Fenway Park!

When Ralph called; I had filled a notebook with scribbled pages of The Green Mile; and realized I was building a novel when I should have been spending my time clearing my desk for revisions on a book already written (Desperation…you'll see it soon; Constant Reader)。 At the point I had e to on Mile; there are usually just two choices: put it away (probably never to be picked up again) or cast everything else aside and chase。

Ralph suggested a possible third alternative; a story that could be written the same way it would be read…in installments。 And I liked the high…wire aspect of it; too: fall down on the job; fail to carry through; and all at once about a million readers are howling for your blood。 No one knows this any better than me; unless it's my secretary; Juliann Eugley; we get dozens of angry letters each week; demanding the next book in the Dark Tower cycle (patience; followers of Roland; another year or so and your wait will end; I promise)。 One of these contained a Polaroid of a teddy…bear in chains; with a message cut out of newspaper headlines and magazine covers: RELEASE THE NEXT DARK TOWER BOOK AT ONCE OR THE BEAR DIES; it said。 I put it up in my office to remind myself both of my responsibility and of how wonderful it is to have people 











